Turn on The System & Watch Your Sales Grow
Increase Sales by 20% or More!
Follow The System, and you’ll watch your funeral and cemetery sales grow. The System University gives sales professionals a place to learn how to sell funeral and cemetery products and services–the right way. TSU is a training platform that will help counselors and managers be successful. Years of research and testing are behind this complete, online pre-need sales training program created by David Shipper and Gary O’Sullivan, CCFE.
But don’t just take our word for it: check out the testimonials on this page and hear how TSU provided three companies with the training, sales tools, and support materials that helped increase their sales.
Sign Up Today
Sign up today for a low monthly cost. You can cancel anytime if it doesn’t work for you. Once you sign up, you’ll have access to dozens of online counselor and manager classes and quizzes created specifically for the funeral and cemetery industry.
Plus, you’ll have access to our online libraries filled with hundreds of pages of industry-specific training topics. Receive Member discounted pricing on all of our pre-need materials in our Pre-Need Superstore, which contains everything you need for sales training, plus lead-generating items to provide to the families you serve. Email us if you have questions at help@thesystemuniversity.com.