Manager Online Classes
The System University’s online training classes for sales managers feature in-depth knowledge for you to lead your team. Click the Go To Class button to access the videos. You’ll be asked to provide the username and password you were given when you enrolled. If you can’t remember them, email us at help@thesystemuniversity.com.

The Secret Number - Manager Class
MANAGING FOR SUCCESS VIDEO: What’s your secret number? Discover why it’s so important and how to use it. Pairs with The Secret Number Manager ebook.

Recruiting - Manager Class
MANAGING FOR SUCESS VIDEO: Recruiting is more complex than ever these days. Learn where and when to recruit. Pairs with the Recruiting & Hiring Manager ebook.

Interviewing & Hiring - Manager Class
MANAGING FOR SUCESS VIDEO: Learn how to interview candidates for a sales position. How to know if they’ll prospect, plus discover the behaviors that predict success. Pairs with the Recruiting & Hiring Manager ebook.
Manager Resources

Where to Begin
20-Day Training Guide
A step-by-step training schedule for the first 20 days. Counselors learn the most critical elements of the profession to succeed. 24 pages.

Counselor Online Classes
Managers have access to 18 online sales training classes for counselors. For the full line-up, click the Go to Page button below.

Continuous Training
As a manager, you know your counselors the best. Based on their needs and what is happening at your facility, use this guide — intended for use after the 20 days — to continue to help your organization succeed. 4 pages.

Free Videos
Short videos to give you a small dose of inspiration whenever you or your counselors need it.

You’ll find the Personal Planning Organizer (which replaced ICCFA’s Emergency Record Guide) along with a full line-up of sales support materials. Includes materials for Family Service, sales scripts, and the Pre-Need Presentation. Free downloads, and much more.