Free Videos

Welcome to The System’s free short training videos! Take a few moments out of your day, grab a cup of coffee, and watch one or more of these quick reminders hosted by Gary O’Sullivan to help you keep up with your sales success. More than a dozen topics under five minutes, plus a few longer ones, will inspire your funeral and cemetery selling activity.
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Accept the Grind
Let’s face it. The beginning part of the sales process can feel like a grind. Accept it, and you’ll be that much closer to success. Run time 3 min.
Ask Yourself this Question
Are you selling yourself out of business? If you’re not asking for referrals, you’re not following The System, and you’re not going to get the right results. Run time 2 min., 26 sec.
C.R.I.S.P. Referral Method
How to obtain referrals with the C.R.I.S.P. method to obtain more leads and more prospects to make more presentations. Run time 8 min., 42 sec.
Do You Have A Presentation?
Presentations like the Personal Planning Organizer and the Pre-Need Presentation are exceptionally effective. But do you have a presentation to get referrals? Run time 3 min., 32 sec.
Getting Ready to Get Ready
If you don’t have people to see, nothing else matters. The one thing that will lead you to success is prospecting. Be intentional and make prospecting a scheduled event. Run time 13 min., 3 sec.
What's On Your Schedule?
Have you checked your schedule today? Prospecting is a daily scheduled event. Don’t wait for people to come in your front door. Set aside daily, uninterrupted time to prospect. Run time 3 min., 3 sec.
I Forgot!
What do you mean you forgot?! When you make asking for referrals part of your sales process, you’ll never use this excuse again. 2 min., 52 sec.
It Doesn't Matter
Are you good at everything you do? It doesn’t matter if you don’t do this one thing too. Run time 3 min., 18 sec.
Seasonal Objections
How many times have you heard, “Contact me after . . .(the holidays, spring break, fall break, my birthday)”? Here’s how to get over that objection. Run time 12 min., 35 sec.
So You're New to the Business
A few things to master if you’re new to the business. Why this is a long-term profession and not just a job. 14 min., 9 sec.
The 5 Elements of a Pre-Need Presentation
Do you know the five elements of an effective Pre-Need Presentation? A quick refresher. Run time 4 min., 34 sec.
The First Sale
The first sale is not a sale. It’s setting the appointment. Why you shouldn’t sell anything except setting the appointment when you’re prospecting. Run time 3 min.
Watch Out for These People
People who don’t have anything to do like to do it with somebody else. How to guard against keeping them company. 2 min., 12 sec.
Why People Don't Prospect
Rather sweep the floor than pick up the phone? Your greatest opportunity for success in this business starts with your ability to prospect. How to get used to and welcome rejection. Run time 4 min., 34 sec.
Why You Should Like Rejection
Raise your hand if you want all the objections to go away. Here’s why you should welcome objections as a challenge that brings big rewards. Run time 3 min., 27 sec.