Counselor Online Library
The Counselor Online Library reinforces TSU’s classroom training. To begin, download our password-free “20-Day Training Guide” below, a blueprint for your first 20 days of training. To access the rest of the content in the library, click the “Go to Book” link below each title to start reading. You will need to enter a password to view this content. Forgot password? Email help@thesystemuniversity.com. If you’re a manager, click here to access the Manager Library.
Not enrolled? Sign up here.

20-Day Training Guide
A complete step-by-step training schedule for the first 20 days. In the initial 20 days of training, counselors will be exposed to the most critical elements they need to learn to succeed in the profession. 24 pages.

Making the Appointment
PROSPECTING: Learn how to make an appointment using your company’s free tools, including the Personal Planning Organizer and other free guides. 21 pages.

4-3-2-1 Concept
PROSPECTING: Learn the 4-3-2-1 concept and how to identify which prospecting methods work and how many methods to use daily. 14 pages.

Managing Objections
Expect that you will face rejection in the form of objections. Here’s exactly what to say when you get these common objections. 14 pages.

Methods of Managing Objections
Six steps to managing objections, including complete methods such as Feel, Felt, Found that you can use to overcome them. 19 pages.

Park Roaming
SERVICE MARKETING: Learn how to approach visitors who come to the cemetery using the ASSAY method. 7 pages.

Project Update & Completion Program
PROSPECTING: Why you should keep client files up to date and the benefits of presenting clients with new services. 18 pages.

On-Site Marketing
PROSPECTING: Whether running errands, standing in line at the grocery store, pumping gas, or waiting to order food, learn how to turn these moments into opportunities. 10 pages.

Deed or Certificate Delivery
PROSPECTING: Learn how to handle and deliver cemetery deeds and certificates properly. 8 pages.

PROSPECTING: The most reliable form of prospecting is referrals. Learn when you should ask and how to make asking for referrals a habit. 8 pages.

Closing Process
CLOSING: Understand different closing techniques and why closing is a process that occurs throughout the presentation, not just at the end. 10 pages.

Office Inquiries
SERVICE MARKETING: What do you do when a visitor comes to the office asking about flowers or how to find the grave of a loved one? Here’s how you can take the opportunity to turn service into sales. 8 pages.

Family Service
SERVICE MARKETING: Learn the three phases of family service and why it is not enough to be a great service provider or acceptable just to sell. Family Service requires both skills. 20 pages. Pairs with our Family Service Process training guide in the TSU Store.

Creating Meaningful Memorialization
Learn why memorialization is essential and help your own families create something meaningful. 17 pages. Note there are two classes on this topic. When you click the Go to Class button below, log in to your dashboard and look for “The Value of Memorialization.”

Creating Meaningful Memorials in Bronze
Matthews Bronze: Learn how to create beautiful bronze memorials with Matthews Bronze. 16 pages. Note there are two classes on this topic. When you click the Go to Class button below, log in to your dashboard and look for “Creating a Meaningful Memorial.”

Caskets & Urns
PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE: The basics of casket construction, design, and personalization. 20 pages. Note: two online classes pair with this book. When you click the Go to Class button below, log in to your dashboard and look for “Caskets” and also “Urns.”

Cemetery, Cremation & Funeral Terms
PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE: A basic overview of cemetery, cremation, and funeral terms. 25 pages. Note: two online classes pair with this book. When you click on the Go to Class button below, log in to your dashboard and look for “Cremation Glossary of Terms” and “Funeral Glossary of Terms.”

Outer Burial Containers
PRODUCT KNOWLEDGE: A basic guide to outer burial containers and the different types of material they are made of. 14 pages.