Sign Up Today
Sign up for The System and watch your sales grow by 20 percent or more! Created for sales counselors and managers in the funeral and cemetery industry at any career stage. The System University gives you access to dozens of online counselor and manager online classes, plus TSU’s online libraries have hundreds of pages of industry-specific training topics.
Pricing - Compare Memberships
Compare membership packages below. To sign up today, click the Sign Up Now button. Still unsure? Email us your questions at help@thesystemuniversity.com.
Counselor TSU Membership
Great Deal
For sales counselors at any stage of their career. For companies with more than 10 employees, email help@thesystemuniversity.com for pricing.
22 sales training videos
18 sales training books in the Counselor Online Library
12 free videos
Free 20-Day Training Guide
Discounts in the Pre-Need Superstore
Additional videos and books as they become available
Cancel anytime after the first month.
Counselor TSU Membership + LeadTrak

For sales counselors at any stage of their career. For companies with more than 10 employees, email help@thesystemuniversity.com for pricing.
Includes everything in the Counselor TSU Package, plus
LeadTrak CRM
Cancel anytime after the first month.
LeadTrak CRM
Customized for funeral homes and cemeteries
For companies with more than 10 employees, email help@thesystemuniversity.com for pricing.
A CRM created specifically for funeral homes and cemeteries
Easily import leads from other databases
Cloud-based for PC, Mac, Android, iPhone & Tablets
Call lists, appointment reminders, pop-up scripts with objections
Pre-written emails and letters, family service opportunities
Service requests, and much more
Cancel anytime after the first month
Manager TSU Membership
Great Deal
For managers at any stage of their career. For companies with more than 10 employees, email help@thesystemuniversity.com for pricing.
22 sales training videos
Free 20-Day Training Guide
Track employees' progress and scores
18 sales training books in the Counselor Online Library
12 manager books in the Manager Online Library
12 free videos
Additional videos and books as they become available
Discounts in the Pre-Need Superstore
Cancel anytime after the first month.
Manager TSU Membership + LeadTrak

For managers at any stage of their career. For companies with more than 10 employees, email help@thesystemuniversity.com for pricing.
Includes everything in the Manager TSU Package, plus
LeadTrak CRM
Cancel anytime after the first month.
LeadTrak CRM
Customized for funeral homes and cemeteries
For companies with more than 10 employees, email help@thesystemuniversity.com for pricing.
A CRM created specifically for funeral homes and cemeteries
Easily import leads from other databases
Cloud-based for PC, Mac, Android, iPhone & Tablets
Call lists, appointment reminders, pop-up scripts with objections
Pre-written emails and letters, family service opportunities
Service requests, and much more
Cancel anytime after the first month